The Fantastic Four. Marvel Entertainment and Marvel Studios
Straight out of the pages of an early 60s, The Fantastic Four Marvel comic book is what I saw in the official teaser trailer for ‘The Fantastic Four: First Steps‘, which was posted yesterday on the official Marvel Entertainment YouTube channel. For me, this feels like a new beginning because The Thing, Mister Fantastic, Invisible Woman, and The Human Torch are the foundation of Marvel Comics when it comes to superhero teams. Without them, we would not have The Uncanny X-Men, The Avengers, and other superhero teams that followed. If not for them, there would likely be no Marvel Comics in publishing today.
I am pleasantly surprised that Pedro Pascal looks like Mister Fantastic, or better yet, Reed Richards, the smartest man alive, a scientist, and the team leader of The Fantastic Four. The Invisible Woman, Sue Richards, Reed Richards’ wife, often serves as the voice of reason when the team faces tough situations that neither intellect nor strength can resolve. She is portrayed spectacularly. The Human Torch, whose real name is Johnny Storm, is depicted not as a literal “hot head” or someone short-tempered, but as a more jovial, teen-like demeanor and mischievous character, true to his original depiction in Marvel Comics. Ben Grimm, the incomparable Thing, is more than just a walking block of rocks; he is a symbol of physical strength, the enforcer, and the strong arm of The Fantastic Four. As shown in the official teaser trailer, his subtleties, mellow humor, and personality are accurately represented.
See! What happens when you allow these Marvel Comic book characters to be themselves, look like themselves, and be depicted the right way? It has always been about being faithful to how they were in the comics, and everything will turn out right. The Fantastic Four look like The Fantastic Four! I believe the creators, artists, and writers of The Fantastic Four which were the late, great Stan Lee and Jack Kirby, would be pleased with this if they had lived to see the day.
Now, from the good guys to one of the ultimate cosmic super-villains in Marvel Comics. He is finally here! “The Devourer of Worlds,” Galactus, has been teased enough to excite everyone, indicating that this time it’s for real. His massive shadow cast over the city where The Fantastic Four resides serves as a clear warning of the global disaster approaching Marvel’s First Family. The lives of all humanity are at stake. For decades, fans have longed for an accurate portrayal of the one and only Galactus. I know that word (accurate) is overused, but it is essential when it comes to big-screen adaptations. From what we can see, they have portrayed Galactus correctly. If you consider “The Mad Titan” Thanos a universal threat, then you have not seen anything yet with Galactus. This proves why time and time again, The Fantastic Four has faced the worst of the worst among super-villains, cosmic beings, and world threats because oftentimes they are the first line of defense for the world before other super-heroes and teams would battle any of these monstrosities.
This illustrates why The Fantastic Four is the greatest team ever formed. It was never about the number of members or brute force; it was about the combination of scientific knowledge, being unified as one family, and their very distinctive superhuman abilities that have always set them apart. They are respected by everyone, even their enemies. The Fantastic Four will demonstrate all of this in their soon-to-be-released movie, which will shake the very fabric of the MCU to its core.
I hope more people can watch the official teaser trailer and appreciate the subtleties, intricacies, and nuances of how it was put together. It showcases the beloved superhero team in their element, in their glory, and in their world. This goes beyond the movie being set in the early 60s; it is not a “retro look” or meant to be nostalgic or trivial. This is the reality of The Fantastic Four. The Fantastic Four came from a time of innocence, discovery, bravery, scientific breakthroughs, and world-changing events. Indeed, there is no question that The Fantastic Four embodies the kind of superheroes that everyone can look up to, pattern themselves to, and model themselves after in terms of qualities. They are role models. For me, this upcoming movie is very important for many reasons for Marvel Entertainment, the MCU, and all the fans. Why not? It is for you to discover.
Just take my word for it.